Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fa-la-la Brouhaha Round 1, Day 8

Heavenly Hymns

We Three Kings vs. The Coventry Carol

There's definitely a touch of Easter in these two Christmastide hymns. (Yes, technically "We 3 Kings" is an Epiphany thing, but no complaints, remember...see the Fa-la-la Brouhaha announcement.) But, our greatest joys are tinged with sadness, are they not?

Choral Carols

Tomorrow Shall be My Dancing Day vs. The Holly and the Ivy

In a continuation of Christmas+Easter, these two carols face off in a battle of the ENGLISH CAROL. Really, can you get much more English than this? They're really, really Englishy.


The Christmas Song vs. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Is this the hardest choice you've had to make? Not ever, but about Christmas music?

Kids Kristmas

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth vs. The Twelve Days of Christmas

Two! Twelve! Epic battle!

Enjoy the pretty lights. Except for "2 Front Teeth" - apparently this challenge has not yet been undertaken. Instead, I found the weirdest video. You're welcome.
(Seriously, why is there a mouse in the stocking HOLDING TWO FRONT TEETH?)


  1. Ugh, that IS hard!! So mean, Julie!!

  2. I love me some Nat King Cole. His Christmas album is in heavy rotation in our house this time of year. But nothing gets the Christmas melancholy going like "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas." (Unless it's the bowdlerized Frank Sinatra version, then my disproportionate rage boils to the surface.)

    I had to go with Judy on that one.


  3. I've never heard Dorothy singing what is undoubtedly my favorite Christmas song (I'm tempted to vote for it from every computer I can find!)...all the sadder.

    And I'm voting for 12 Days because there's a Muppet version!

    1. I just realized, it MUST be from "Meet Me in St. Louis"...which I've never seen!
